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"We’re made to grow. You either evolve or you disappear."
- 2Pac {{current_slide_index}}
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Really, really exciting!
This campaign has everything we strive for in a project. A strong concept. Vibrant, propulsive visuals. And infectious good vibes.
Connections make the world go ’round and with the right connects, who knows how far we’ll journey together.
Meta defines what’s next,
opening up fresh opportunities for creators, powerhouse brands, and humanity as a whole. With its impressive ambition, Meta has expanded reach across social, digital, AR/VR, and beyond. This new El Dorado has limitless possibilities: a democratized online-verse where collaborators play, work, hustle, and exchange ideas. Bursting the doors wide to a new global frontier! {{current_slide_index}}
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The word "meta" comes from the Greek word meaning "beyond". With Meta’s versatile creative toolkit, now every brand may lean into their strengths in ways they never thought possible. Taking a giant and intentional leap forward, expanding their network.
When we started the We Are From LA collective, our mission was to become directors who changed the way people looked at the world. Though we launched our website and first music video on the same day, we were completely stressed about whether our “creation” would find its audience and whether it would be appreciated. We decided beforehand to open up a bottle of champagne if we hit 10,000 views. We watched tensely as the views racked up. In 2 days, we were at a million. - Biggie
“Uh, I go, on and on and on…” {{current_slide_index}}
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Because Meta is:
FREE {{current_slide_index}}
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We’re gonna be:
PLAYFUL {{current_slide_index}}
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Because originality is not something we've never seen before, it's something interpreted in a never-before-seen way.
There is nothing more thrilling than seeing your seed of an idea transform into something people connect with and share. Unsure but driven by a constant sense of hope, optimism, and belief, this unwavering faith propelled us then and it pushes us now through the peaks and valleys. A roller coaster of nerves, tension and excitement. It’s a feeling of love anyone with a brand understands.
Which is exactly what this film needs to do. In order to transcend the ordinary, we have to dive into the beyond.
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We’re thrilled this is this is such a timely project. It invites us to take the TRAIN OF INNOVATION across a spectrum of booming new business tools to expand the reach of human connection.
A white-knuckle rush of business, adapting ahead of the curve.
We find the idea of the camera and action constantly in motion very fitting. This visual language is a metaphor for the passage of time and this thrust of connectivity. It's like a chronological track. From kick-starting a business, to nail-biting as it grows, to proudly witnessing as it evolves into a thriving ecosystem. In the Meta World, this dynamic domino-effect has these burgeoning businesses on the verge of blowing up.
With any brand, we’re constantly pushing towards a specific objective: recognition, advancement, success. Along the way, that touch of shared humanity is worth its weight in gold. These films are about the momentum through these forward-thinking spaces – with the right tools, you can go anywhere – and the unity we develop along the way. So hold tight… To infinity and beyond…
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Fluid connections.
Smooth, free, and continuous – we’re always opening new doors to a harmonious and larger, ultra-cool community. We would like to film as much as possible in-camera for a “cinematically diverse” energy and immersive feel. Rather than being overly mechanical or obvious with our push-ins, in order to dwell on our protagonists and the vital visual elements, we plan to perform 360 degree pans while having the camera moving forward continuously. Imagine being a passenger on this train, with the ability to soak in any view around you, while the train presses onward.
The overall effect is dynamic and streamlined, as we flow from one business iteration to the next with a stylized eye. It’s brimming with playful spontaneity and kineticism. Beats of humanity infuse the frame – to capture these fleeting shared intimacies – then onto the next connection or transaction.
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Film animatics will settle some important points ahead of the shoot. We’ll have a precise idea of the time we have on each shot in order to make the 15s as efficient as possible. In addition, the animatics allow us to place the supers in space and process the message tempo. It will be a precious resource before briefing the teams that will generate the images in Horizon Worlds as well.
Overall, we’ll have reference points for the speed of movement in key set-ups while establishing clear topline objectives. {{current_slide_index}}
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Meta UI is the effortless channel to industry success.
In the most fun way possible, we showcase these different UI tools and facets that Meta has put in place for brands. Everything is precise, intuitive, smart. And as any brand evolves, so does the tech in an effortless, reactive way. As the Creative Directors design, new merch appears. As a countdown ticker drops, Dezi frames fly off shelves. As demand for the Hyundai escalates, the test drive becomes available.
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With attention to location, production design, and lighting, we’ll sculpt how the interface exists in our universe. Whether we’re seeing a Reels mirror, a projected filter, or a hovering new apparel drop, our brand ambassadors interact with this interface digitally or physically, in order to create interactive collisions between virtual and real. It’s always seamlessly integrated to create the effect of a business owner or customer on the move in the real world, handling business on the fly. We’ll work closely with you to make sure this UI is always showcased front and center.
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These portals should be built practically whenever possible and then we’ll also use mirror effects, wipes, and precise transitions to our benefit to surprise and thrill viewers. Especially when we’re entering and exploring two vastly different worlds. Horizon Worlds is a great example of this, where we transform a mirror into a virtual runway space with our adaptable avatar.
The idea of the film is to connect spaces and to navigate within them in order to see the evolution of our protagonists and their business. What we’re really talking about on a macro level is: assessing brand needs, and delivering the most efficient solution. With each portal, we up the ante and surprise our viewers. Relaying new and unexpected transformations with the tech of Meta.
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The continuity of these portals will be paramount, and a lot of the thrill will be dealing with contrasts of scope, scale, color palette, and the wild fusion of real and virtual. The :15s will be a ONE-TWO PUNCH of clear cause and effect, while the brand film has the potential to take us on more of a rollercoaster ride of smart business pivots once we have the :15 locked.
(Look + Tone + Feel)
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Imagine a blisteringly hot day. And then imagine what it feels like to snap your fingers and have a shaved ice in your hand. Better yet, a negroni. In our Meta world, this is the kind of visual actualization that’s possible. We’re unlocking what heightened business acumen looks and feels like. For owners and consumers. Completely in control of the way a business runs or getting the latest specs before they sell out. Everything humming to perfection as brands and partners fulfill their dreams. It’s prospective, thrilling, one jump ahead of competitors! This is all spontaneity.
With timing top of mind, we have to hook our viewers immediately. Thrusting them forward through a kaleidoscope of premium eye candy and diverse business connections. It will be a striking visual experience, with an emphasis on making these transactions exciting, yet clear.
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But let’s keep it real.
We’ll never lose sight of grounding this in the physical world. Though we see Meta tech and UI defying the boundaries of space, our brand ambassadors – owners, hustlers, creators, business people, and consumers – remain real and true-to-life in the environment. We don’t see anyone messing with gravity, things don’t magically appear or disappear in frame. The magic happens in-frame through our portals, transitions, and reveals. So the Meta tech is always the powerful conduit to immediate new business opportunities. Scripts {{current_slide_index}}
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30's Quilted Jacket
The film begins with a fast-moving tracking shot–
The camera spins and we cross a large, somewhat deserted field where in the distance we see a group of people working. We pass through the middle of these workers, designers, and decorators who hang colorful quilted fabric on clotheslines. The camera passes through the pieces of fabric which form like curtains, WHOOSH–
The camera continues PUSHING IN , passing above a table where artistic research is arranged. We realize this is a big fashion textile company.
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The camera PANS and we see a very excited designer with an elongated piece of fabric. He walks towards a model and places the fabric on him. The camera crosses the quilted material of the model by passing in the jacket sleeve–
The camera continues advancing towards a large white frame where a team is busy with their photo shoot. Our camera crosses the professional camera installed on a tripod. The camera begins to move towards the center frame–
We see the super–
SUPER + VO: Connections can take your business anywhere.30's Quilted Jacket
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The camera passes through the “o” of “your”–
As we move forward we see two creative directors in quilted jumpsuits and chic sunglasses hanging a quilted men's jacket in the middle of the frame. One of them is ironing a last time in a plume of steam–
As the smoke clears we see that this frame is actually a Shoppable Instagram ad
[UI copy: Quilted: don't sleep on these quilts].
The white frames describing the product and its price are levitated, hovering in the scene.
The camera continues to advance when suddenly the white walls RISE as if it was a rolling shutter revealing a new space–
30's Quilted Jacket
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We discover a room with multiple mirrors and curtains, resembling a fitting room. On each mirror we see the Instagram interface, which lights up like lamps embedded in the mirror.
In the center of the room we see a creator wearing a quilted jacket. He poses proudly, admiring his look, spinning–
He turns and faces another mirror. The camera continues PUSHING IN and the young creator approaches one of the mirrors and its reflection–
VO: So, meet people who don't just love it... they live it. 30's Quilted Jacket
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The camera PANS back to the center and PUSHES through the mirror–
On the other side in the reflection we can see his avatar which is perfectly outfitted and choreographed–
VO: Meet creators who remix it. The camera passes through the mirror, behind our creator we see a young woman posing in front of another mirror while trying filters in SparkAR, quickly making quilted hats appear on her head, one after the other–
The camera continues advancing and ZOOMS once more through the mirror.
Behind the young women with hats, a young man is trying on quilted pants in front of a different mirror.
The camera PANS right and we see Messenger messages appear on the mirror–
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On this other side of the mirror we discover a completely different world. We now see avatars riding flying mattresses above a city of Horizon Worlds wearing padded clothes like in a big digital fashion show. Around them chairs have been installed and a large public crowd attends the scene. At the end of the parade we spot the designers with their avatars.
The camera continues rushing forward when suddenly the scene DISTORTS– we see two hands appear in the foreground and we discover that we were now in a VR Quest headset–
The camera PANS 360 degrees as we move forward and we discover that we are in a padded yurt where other young people are also using Quest VR headsets. The young man comes out of the tent and the camera follows him–
Super: Meet tools that change how we experience it.
30's Quilted Jacket
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Leaving the tent, we are now in a large square in the middle of an international fashion festival. All around us, we see a quilted world with art installations of suspended quilted patterns, lanterns and tapestries suspended above our heads. (People with quilted bags, scarves, hats, and capes of different styles are everywhere, using their phones to message, take photos, and play with filters.) We pass a newsstand where all the en vogue covers are quilted in different languages. We see the diversity of faces, a worldwide synthesis of the OG quilt vision. We pass a sign with an AR advertisement.
SFX: [Chimes, UI, Notifications]
VO: Meet opportunities you never expected.
The camera continues on and PANNING to the side, we see our two creative directors, now surrounded by a huge crowd of customers of all ages, backgrounds, and styles rocking quilted products in front of a huge quilted display case that reads, "QUILTED. EST. 1948. NOT YOUR GRANDMOTHER'S QUILTS.” OR “BUILT TO QUILT.” OR “PATTERNED AFTER YOUR LIFE.”
LOGO: Meta30's Quilted Jacket
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15's Quilted Jacket
The film begins with a fast-moving tracking shot–
The camera FLIES across a large field, a bit deserted and where far we see a group of people working. We pass in the middle of these workers, designers and decorators who hang quilted fabric on clotheslines. The camera GLIDES through the pieces of fabric which form like curtains–
The camera continues PUSHING IN, passing above a table where artistic research is arranged. We realize this is a big fashion textile company.
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The camera PANS, and we see a very excited designer with a piece of fabric, draping it on a model. The camera crosses the model’s quilted material by passing in the jacket sleeve–
The camera continues towards a large white frame where a team is busy working a photo shoot. Our camera crosses the professional camera installed on a tripod as the camera moves toward the center frame–
We see the super–
SUPER + VO: Connections can take your business anywhere.
15's Quilted Jacket
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The camera passes through the “o” of “your”–
As we rush forward we see two creative directors in quilted jumpsuits and chic sunglasses hanging a quilted men's jacket in the middle of the frame. One of them is ironing a last time in a plume of steam–
As the smoke clears we see that this frame is actually a Shoppable Instagram ad
[UI copy: Quilted: don't sleep on these quilts].
The white frames describing the product and its price are levitated, hovering in the scene.
The camera continues advancing when suddenly the white walls RISE as if it was a rolling shutter revealing a new space–
15's Quilted Jacket
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We discover a room with multiple mirrors and curtains, resembling a fitting room. On each mirror we see the Instagram interface which lights up like lamps embedded in the mirror.
In the center of the room we see a creator wearing a quilted jacket. He poses proudly, admiring his look.
He turns, spinning to face another mirror as the camera glides forward, approaching his reflection–
VO: So, meet people who don't just love it... they live it.15's Quilted Jacket
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The camera passes through the mirror, behind our creator we see a young woman posing in front of another mirror while trying filters in SparkAR, quickly making quilted hats appear on her head, one after the other–
Super: Meet tools that change how we experience it.15's Quilted Jacket
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Super: Meet tools that change how we experience it.
We discover that we are in a large square in the middle of an international fashion festival. All around us we discover a quilted world with art installations of suspended quilted patterns, lanterns, and tapestries suspended above our heads. (Diverse people in quilted bags, scarves, hats, and capes of different styles are everywhere, using their phones to message, taking photos, and playing with filters.) We pass a newsstand where all of the en vogue covers are quilted in different languages, then a sign with an AR advertisement.
SFX: Chimes, UI, Notifications
VO: Meet opportunities you never expected.
The camera PANS to the side, we see our two creative directors, now surrounded by a huge crowd of customers of all ages, backgrounds, and styles rocking quilted products in front of a huge quilted display case that reads,
LOGO: Meta15's Quilted Jacket
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15´s DEZI
The film cold opens above a table in an abstract designer space.
On this table are positioned about twenty glasses of each frame style. We see a Shoppable Stories with a Countdown. Our camera PANS over this table:
SUPER: Connections can take your business anywhere. [Meta logo]
As the super passes camera–
When suddenly the camera arrives in front of a shelf full of unique frames, one-of-a-kind–
SUPER: meets Creator-crafted launch.
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Suddenly hands appear from behind the wall through small trapdoors and grab all the glasses on the shelf like lightning. The camera continues forward, passing through one of the hatches:
Super: meets 3,000 sunnies sold out in 48 hours.
We are in a totally different environment. We are at an exhibition opening, the walls are white and creators are participating in a complementary art installation, playing with perspectives and lights with the cool shades. The camera glides towards one of the influencers who raises his glasses, winking at the camera.
SUPER: Meet [new audiences / powerful tools / opportunity] Meta
15's DEZI
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The film begins in an air vent, the camera passes the grid and arrives in an all-white room with white tiles in the center. A large table full of products before us:
SUPER: Connections can take your business anywhere. [Meta logo]
The camera crosses through the super & logo–
SUPER: Clinique
And continues toward the lips of a Clinique woman in a white coat in profile trying on Black Honey lipstick.
She turns around and looks in the direction of a large mirror in the shape of a telephone. The camera advances and passes very close to the lipstick of a Shoppable Instagram post – UI has just appeared around it.
Suddenly she holds out the lipstick through the mirror and a young woman on roller skates appears from behind our advisor's reflection and effortlessly grabs the lipstick as she GLIDES away–
SUPER: meets Gen-Z lipstick lovers.15's Clinique
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The camera follows her and suddenly we find ourselves outside the white space, in a town square where young people have met to rollerskate.
SUPER: meets a shade for everyone relaunched 7x faster.
The camera ACCELERATES, following the young people, each of them rushing close to the frame while rolling in the opposite direction to adjust their lipstick in front of the camera. They all have different, iconic colors or if we need to hone in on Black Honey specifically, they each show off the muted berry-shade in a unique way. The camera gets closer and closer to our main young girl on rollerskates, suddenly embracing the camera with a dash of nonchalance.
SUPER: Meet [new audiences / powerful tools / opportunity] Meta15's Clinique
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15' s Hyundai
Our camera pushes in slowly–
We’re a few yards back from a wall with key fobs hanging from hooks.
SUPER: Connections can take your business anywhere. [Meta logo]
We PUSH through the super and logo and arrive at the wall–
SUPER: Hyundai
We see Messenger UI graphics pop-up from the keys with conversations between the brand and customers. Each time a pop-up appears the keys are moving, held by the hook – “Got one in blue?” “MPG?” “How much HP?”
SUPER: meets Messenger-powered assistant. {{current_slide_index}}
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As we PUSH IN, we focus on one specific conversation:
[Hyundai] “How about a test drive?” [Customer] “How about YES!”
The wall of key fobs opens like a remote garage door. We see a hand coming into the frame, taking the keys–
SUPER: meets 4x turbocharged sales.
We PUSH through one of the little space where the keys hang and the garage door OPENS to an outdoor forest road (or a fresh angle in a repurposed location)–
The camera keeps TRACKING DOWN, where we find a young man in a new Hyundai. The camera glides through the car and as soon as it leaves, we see the Hyundai disappear out of frame in a dust/rubber cloud.
SUPER: Meet [new audiences / powerful tools / opportunity] Meta 15's Hyundai
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The film begins as our camera PUSHES towards the Wendy's castle in the Wendy-verse, our avatar inviting us to continue on–
SUPER: Connections can take your business anywhere. [Meta logo]
The avatar flies past the super and logo–
SUPER: Wendy's
Landing on Sunrise City's Breakfast Castle just as a sunnyside egg starts to rise over the building.
We follow the avatar as she walks through the castle doors–
SUPER: meets morning people in the metaverse.15's Wendy’s
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We PUSH THROUGH into the real world, trailing a young woman as she walks over to a car in a brightly lit parking lot and places a bunch of Wendy's bags on the hood.
SUPER: meets a 267X breakfast biscuit boost.
Her friends all gather around, each grabbing a bag, diving in.
SUPER: Meet [new audiences / powerful tools / opportunity] Meta15's Wendys
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Inspiration comes from everywhere
There’s an international flare that rocks this whole affair. We’re paying special attention to every element – the fabric quality, the effusive textures, bold graphics, unique angles, mise-en-scene, locations, and diverse people in order to rep what we’re seeing for real in lush detail.
We see this evolution in real time. In the case of “Meet Meta,” it should have a business-oriented, top-down feel – from the CDs’ vision to the way it appears on the streets and transcends culture. That approach continues across the case studies. Dictating that real, accurate translation will be important. And growth should be the key to unlocking art direction and overall vision.
We soak in the business acumen behind the CD leap to high fashion. We note how UI perfectly assesses, supports, and accents the vibe of our skaters. The plunging countdown of Shoppable Stories yields DEZI frames flying off the shelves. Everything has a reactive rhythm and functionality.
Though there’s a coherent cinematic universe that puts all of these sharp personalities and tech under the Meta umbrella, these worlds have a look, tone, and feel onto themselves. Meta’s Diverse World
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We want to span the spectrum of representation. Showing a variety of genders, identities, body types, cultures, ethnicities, and above all else, styles. Creating a spirit of inclusivity that spotlights the various and unexpected Meta state of mind. Though no one’s too young or old, let’s keep in mind that creators these days defy the conventional odds of who’s out there getting it done.
As we search for our personalities, we'll find people who represent their culture without feeling too polished. No one should feel like an actor or a model; they should have an edge or unique quality that makes them stand out amongst all the wild visuals. The POP factor. A bit of grit and wildness that instantly shows us why they are a tastemaker, trendsetter, or influential person out for their bag. Self expression will be clutch. Diversity of People
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For our CDs, let’s spend a touch more time exploring their personalities to tell a vivid story. One is older and more in tune with how the business kickstarted, while the other is younger and pressing ahead with innovation.
The case studies are great opportunities to showcase a range of consumers, but here we see the trajectory of a brand blowing up before our eyes. Does our older CD have a mother/grandmother who used to quilt internationally? Did the younger, ambitious CD go off to Milan to learn the fast-paced ins and outs of the fashion industry? How has their leap to fashion accelerated their vision for the next ten years? In other words, after quilts, what’s the next launch (and do we glimpse it)? Let’s hone every detail together! Inspired Creative Directors
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There’s a range of visual metaphors that signify connection and unlocking business potential. Sometimes these are through doors and portals, other times they are instrumental facets of the Meta UI. That visual language informs how we approach what we see. Art Direction
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The way we construct and decorate walls, furniture, dressing areas, and art installations will be connective tissue to the technology. We’ll be cognizant of things like mirrors that represent Reels UI so it’s a sparse, clean looking structure with smooth surfaces. Or how the scale of our key fob set-up suggests consumer demand.
Art Direction
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The QUILT EVOLUTION is one we would like to remain open to. The backstory of our Creative Directors will help, but we would also like to think of a compelling narrative journey or throughline. So we see how Meta took this savvy quilt business and took it to another level with the CDs’ leap to high fashion. Design inspiration might start with more traditional quilts and patterns, and then transition into staple leisure apparel: flowing loungewear with simple tones and textures. On the next iteration – this high fashion blow up – we see geometric and extravagant oversized skirts, puffers and trenches. Wearable statement pieces.
Art Direction
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But these are just kickstarters! Everything nods to a business evolving at precisely the right speed, linking up with all the right consumers. It’s connections happening in the blink of an eye. Let’s discuss what feels right. Art Direction
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We’ll pay special attention to how clothing and accessories influence and complement the featured brands. These tastemakers and fashionable crews have a vibe all their own. Strong bursts of color and effortless personality. And these jackets, throws, scarves, and glasses live in this elevated world. Sometimes these brands create a chameleon “just right” effect on our consumers, sometimes they accent to send a bold fashion statement. Like Meta, everything feels a beat aspirational and ahead of what’s in style.
The choices our creators make, colors they combine, and ways they incorporate collabs will be thoughtful and intentional. Especially in the brand film, each of these portal worlds show off a ramping of this progression. The elegant design evolves and takes on a life of its own, especially as these CDs and fellow artists enhance the vision with this suite of resources.
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As much as possible, we’ll handle these foreground scenes with our portals practically to give it a visceral feel. The idea is to make these scenes feel as touch-oriented and interactive as when our users engage with the UI. There’s a tangible feeling you can’t cheat; the use of hands, faces, and reflections drive home this utility. For example, with a seamless mirror transition, we consider twins so that we’re able to hand-off practically and seamlessly. Whenever possible, portal arches and in-situ details guide and provide filmic depth. UI elements exist and transmute against screens, glass, and walls for in-the-moment versatility.
Practical First + VFX Enhancements This is more than reality, this is Meta.
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Throughout these films, VFX will serve as exclamation points for the Meta tech to stand out. Dramatic visual layers for a Shoppable Ad, SparkAR filter, Messenger text graphics, or Reels UI suggest a thriving business platform.
We’ll ensure these graphics live in our tactile world, and we’ll be discrete about cleaning up cut points and transitions through doors for an ultra-slick feel. Our realm is business on the cutting edge, almost as if it’s anticipating the next move, and through the portals it lifts off. VFX
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As soon in the prep period as possible we would like to hone in with our VFX team on a technical previz for some of our key scenes, especially with our portals. This will help us envision the camera moves as well as any layered graphics.
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Defining Voiceover
One idea is for the voiceover to create another story. Maybe the VO has more texture related to the room we are traveling in, more dimensionality to the ultra-modern feel currently. It has to be a touch louder and more commanding on the trendy street at the end, for example. Laying a sort of sonic map for the narrative and building tension.
For this, the right performance is paramount. A voice actor who can bring the right level of determination, dimension, and depth. Then, adding sound design to ensure it comes across as analog – full of nuance and pops of personality. {{current_slide_index}}
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The soundtrack is the heartbeat of our film. It sets the pace and signals dynamic transitions based on tonal music shifts. During the call we discussed feeling the differences in the music depending on the different places in which we are moving to accentuate and draw on the mood of the environment. Horizon Worlds should have a subtly more fanciful vibe than our trendy district to follow, for example. In our brand film we could also think about a little build in the pacing for an anthemic feel.
Inmersive Music + Sound
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As we traverse these various scenarios, we'll catch diegetic sounds here and there as the scene calls for it. The whoosh of a sliding door, the click of feet down cobblestone streets, or the smooth gliding roll of skates.
To make the sound as immersive as possible, we might mix in sound spatialization by playing with balance effects so that as we move through portals, certain sounds amplify while others dissipate to the background.
This will then be supplemented with super rhythmic and heightened sound design in key moments. UI interactivity, portals transitions, and transactions will signify these thriving business connections. Music + Sound
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We also wish to organically incorporate the supers into the films so that they’re active participants in the film. As the camera moves forward, let’s integrate them into the camera POV so they have depth and responsiveness. So that people passing in front and behind give the supers a life of their own and we’re being as creative as possible.
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Wendyverse, Horizon Worlds + Edit
For Wendyverse and Horizon Worlds, we would love the opportunity to jump in and create cohesive elements so that the campaign has a cinematic consistency. With each :15, there’s a uniform filmic language and it would be great to see Wendyverse continuing in this vein. Plus, it guarantees we perfectly transition to the Wendy’s parking lot end footage.
Similarly, we should map out precisely how we’re seeing this transition from Messenger UI to Horizon Worlds so that it feels seamless. We’re here to see the campaign to the finish line and ensure it’s fully realized. {{current_slide_index}}
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Location efficiency is a priority. This production is all about timing so finding those perfect locations and filming from fresh angles for expediency will be crucial.
Together we’ll have a streamlined game plan in place for cut downs and assets for sharing on social/short-form that will stop people mid-scroll. Most of the jobs we direct now film a hybrid of broadcast/online and social so we always have vertical framing in mind. With this campaign specifically, our smooth, forward-moving camera will help maintain key center frames where needed.
Lastly, we’ve been filming on Covid compliant sets throughout this time and have amassed a wealth of knowledge along the way. Our most important consideration is the health and well-being of our cast and crew, so safety will be our top priority. We’ll adhere to CDC and local guidelines, as well as working procedures we’ve established at Iconoclast. In doing so we can create an environment of comfort and creativity that feels as close to a normal shoot as we can possibly make it. {{current_slide_index}}
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We Are From LA
Thank You
We love this campaign – it’s visually striking and there are so many creative opportunities to spotlight successful businesses and the faces behind these brands. How we showcase these Meta smart tools will reveal all of the ways we hustle hard. How we craft, market, spread word, dap to the next deal, and thrive together.
We’re looking forward to speaking more on our collaborative next moves! Thank you
Music + Sound
Art Direction
Diversity of People
Meta’s Diverse World
15´s Wendy’s
15´s Hyundai
15´s Clinique
15´s DEZI
15´s Quilted Jacket
30´s Quilted Jacket
Enter de metaverse
a director´s treatment by wafla